> Melatonina
In compresse da 2 mg in dosaggi di 20 mg o più al giorno. Da ingerire preferibilmente prima del pasto, distribuita uniformemente nel corso della giornata con concentrazione nettamente superiore la sera. Esempio: 2 compresse al mattino, 2 a mezzodì e 6 la sera prima di coricarsi.
E’ un neurotrasmettitore prodotto principalmente dal sistema nervoso, ma anche dall’epifisi o ghiandola pineale e da vari distretti come le ghiandole di Harder, le piastrine, i megacariociti ecc. Viene prevalentemente prodotta di notte. Svolge fondamentali e documentati effetti nella prevenzione e terapia delle patologie tumorali e degenerative, oggetto di un numero crescente di studi e di ricerche. Si può considerare e distinguere un’azione antitumorale indiretta della melatonina attraverso l’inibizione dei radicali liberi e l’effetto antiossidante, unitamente alla protezione dall’effetto cancerogeno e degenerativo di campi elettrici e magnetici. Va considerato tra le azioni antitumorali indirette anche l’effetto antinvecchiamento e antidegenerativo del tessuto nervoso e vascolare, la proprietà antiaggregante piastrinica. Rilevante anche l’azione d’attivazione e potenziamento delle difese immunitarie, la modulazione neuroendocrina e circadiana, l’effetto sul midollo osseo con riflessi determinanti sulla crasi ematica, la dinamica midollare, la produzione di piastrine, globuli rossi e globuli bianchi. L’azione antitumorale diretta si attua inibendo la proliferazione e la crescita di cellule tumorali, ostacolando la tendenza di cellule normali a divenire neoplastiche inducendo il ricambio cellulare e la sostituzione di cellule tumorali con cellule sane attraverso il meccanismo definito “apoptosi”. E’ documentata anche un’azione antimetastatica attraverso l’inibizione della diffusione a distanza delle cellule tumorali unitamente alla capacità di migliorare in maniera significativa il profondo stato di decadimento psicofisico degli stadi tumorali avanzati comunemente definiti “cachessia neoplastica”.
Documenti Associati
Actual and potential agents and biomarkers in the treatment of cancer.
Alteration of the MT1 melatonin receptor gene and its expression in primary human breast tumors and breast cancer cell lines.
Antineoplastic effects of melatonin on a rare malignancy of mesenchymal origin: melatonin receptor-mediated inhibition of signal transduction, linoleic acid metabolism and growth in tissue-isolated human leiomyosarcoma xenografts.
Antioxidant enzymatically modified isoquercitrin or melatonin supplementation reduces oxidative stress-mediated hepatocellular tumor promotion of oxfendazole in rats.
Azione antiproliferativa della melatonina sulle cellule LNCaP del cancro alla prostata in soggetti umani.
Basic mechanisms involved in the anti-cancer effects of melatonin.
Beneficial effects of melatonin on nicotine-induced vasculopathy.
Bioterapia con la melatonina, ormone immunomodulatore pineale, vs melatonina più aloe vera in neoplasmi solidi avanzati non trattabili.
Ciclofosfamide più somatostatina, bromocriptina, retinoidi, melatonina e ACTH nel trattamento dei linfomi non Hodgkin di basso grado in stadio avanzato: risultati di una sperimentazione di fase II.
Ciclofosfamide più somatostatina, bromocriptina, retinoidi, melatonina e ACTH nel trattamento dei linfomi non-Hodgkin di basso grado in stadio avanzato: risultati di una sperimentazione di fase II.
Circulating melatonin and the risk of breast and endometrial cancer in women.
Clinical uses of melatonin: evaluation of human trials.
Coexpression of the melatonin receptor 1 and nestin in human breast cancer specimens.
Comparative effect of melatonin and vitamin E on phenylhydrazine-induced toxicity in the spleen of Funambulus pennanti.
Complete objective response of neuroblastoma to biological treatment
Complete objective response of neuroblastoma to biological treatment
Contribution of the daily melatonin profile to diagnosis of tumors of the pineal region.
Cranial irradiation-induced inhibition of neurogenesis in hippocampal dentate gyrus of adult mice: attenuation by melatonin pretreatment.
Declining melatonin levels and MT1 receptor expression in aging rats is associated with enhanced mammary tumor growth and decreased sensitivity to melatonin.
Diminuzione della tossicità e aumento dell’efficacia della chemioterapia del cancro utilizzando la melatonina in pazienti con tumori solidi metastatici e stato clinico povero.
Effect of melatonin on the expression of Nrf2 and NF-kappaB during cyclophosphamide-induced urinary bladder injury in rat.
Effetto inibitorio della melatonina sulla crescita nei topi dell’epatoma AH 130.
Eliminazione dell’influenza negativa degli opioid sull’immunoterapia IL-2 del cancro alle cellule renali mediante melatonina.
Endogenous melatonin and oxidatively damaged guanine in DNA.
Evidence for a biphasic apoptotic pathway induced by melatonin in MCF-7 breast cancer cells.
Farmacologia e fisiologia della melatonina nella riduzione di stress ossidativo in vivo.
Global co-distribution of light at night (LAN) and cancers of prostate, colon, and lung in men.
Il Metodo Di Bella (relazione al Congr.Mondiale di Singapore)
Improvement of capecitabine antitumoral activity by melatonin in pancreatic cancer.
In vitro and in vivo antitumor activity of melatonin receptor agonists
Influenza della melatonina sulla proliferazione e sul sistema antiossidante nelle cellule di carcinoma ascite di Ehrlich.
Inhibition of breast cancer cell invasion by melatonin is mediated through regulation of the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling pathway.
Inhibition of procarcinogen-bioactivating human CYP1A1, CYP1A2 and CYP1B1 enzymes by melatonin.
Inhibitory effects of melatonin on sulfatase and 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity and expression in glioma cells.
International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. LXXV. Nomenclature, classification, and pharmacology of G protein-coupled melatonin receptors.
Intracellular prooxidant activity of melatonin induces a survival pathway involving NF-kappaB activation.
La Melatonina (tratto da: "Giuseppe Di Bella: Come prevenire i Tumori" - Carlo Marconi Editore, Roma, 2002, pp.65-121)
La melatonina e i suoi effetti ad ampio spettro: uso della melatonina nel trattamento dei tumori
Light-at-night, circadian disruption and breast cancer: assessment of existing evidence.
M elatonin, a promising role in taxane-related neuropathy.
MT1 melatonin receptors and their role in the oncostatic action of melatonin
Measuring serum melatonin in epidemiologic studies.
Melatonin and breast cancer: cellular mechanisms, clinical studies and future perspectives.
Melatonin and cancer: current knowledge and its application to oral cavity tumours.
Melatonin and doxorubicin synergistically induce cell apoptosis in human hepatoma cell lines.
Melatonin and metformin inhibit skin carcinogenesis induced by benz(a)pyrene in mice
Melatonin and tryptophan circadian profiles in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer.
Melatonin and vitamin D(3) synergistically down-regulate Akt and MDM2 leading to TGFβ-1-dependent growth inhibition of breast cancer cells.
Melatonin and vitamin D3 synergistically down-regulate Akt and MDM2 leading to TGFβ-1-dependent growth inhibition of breast cancer cells.
Melatonin as a modulator of apoptosis in B-lymphoma cells.
Melatonin decreases cell proliferation and induces melanogenesis in human melanoma SK-MEL-1 cells.
Melatonin deficiency and disrupted circadian rhythms in pediatric survivors of craniopharyngioma.
Melatonin down-regulates HIF-1 alpha expression through inhibition of protein translation in prostate cancer cells.
Melatonin exerts differential actions on X-ray radiation-induced apoptosis in normal mice splenocytes and Jurkat leukemia cells.
Melatonin in diseases of the oral cavity.
Melatonin induces apoptotic death in LNCaP cells via p38 and JNK pathways: therapeutic implications for prostate cancer.
Melatonin induces pro-apoptotic signaling pathway in human pancreatic carcinoma cells (PANC-1).
Melatonin inhibits aromatase promoter expression by regulating cyclooxygenases expression and activity in breast cancer cells.
Melatonin inhibits mitogenic cross-talk between retinoic acid-related orphan receptor alpha (RORalpha) and ERalpha in MCF-7 human breast cancer cells
Melatonin modulates microfilament phenotypes in epithelial cells: implications for adhesion and inhibition of cancer cell migration.
Melatonin prevents the development of hyperplastic urothelium induced by repeated doses of cyclophosphamide.
Melatonin receptors, melatonin metabolizing enzymes and cyclin D1 in human breast cancer.
Melatonin reduces pancreatic tumor cell viability by altering mitochondrial physiology.
Melatonin reduces stress-activated/mitogen-activated protein kinases in spinal cord injury.
Melatonin resynchronizes dysregulated circadian rhythm circuitry in human prostate cancer cells.
Melatonin sensitizes Caki renal cancer cells to kahweol-induced apoptosis through CHOP-mediated up-regulation of PUMA.
Melatonin sensitizes human malignant glioma cells against TRAIL-induced cell death.
Melatonin suppresses AOM/DSS-induced large bowel oncogenesis in rats.
Melatonin suppresses tumor angiogenesis by inhibiting HIF-1alpha stabilization under hypoxia.
Melatonin, a novel Sirt1 inhibitor, imparts antiproliferative effects against prostate cancer in vitro in culture and in vivo in TRAMP model.
Melatonin, sleep disturbance and cancer risk.
Melatonin: a multitasking molecule.
Melatonina e crescita mammaria patologica.
Membrane-bound melatonin receptor MT1 down-regulates estrogen responsive genes in breast cancer cells.
Molecular mechanisms of melatonin anticancer effects.
Monitoring intracellular melatonin levels in human prostate normal and cancer cells by HPLC.
Mortalità, neoplasia e malattia di Creutzfeldt-Jakob in pazienti trattati con l’ormone epifisario della crescita in Gran Bretagna.
Neuroprotection by melatonin on astrocytoma cell death.
Pharmacologic concentrations of melatonin have diverse influence on differential expressions of angiogenic chemokine genes in different hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines.
Potenziale terapeutico della melatonina in stati di immunodeficienza, malattie virali e cancro.
Protective effect of melatonin on oxaliplatin-induced apoptosis through sustained Mcl-1 expression and anti-oxidant action in renal carcinoma Caki cells.
Psychoneuroendocrine modulation of regulatory T lymphocyte system: in vivo and in vitro effects of the pineal immunomodulating hormone melatonin.
ROCK-regulated cytoskeletal dynamics participate in the inhibitory effect of melatonin on cancer cell migration.
Risposta obiettiva completa a terapia biologica di carcinoma plurifocale della mammella
Risposta obiettiva completa di un carcinoma esofageo squamocellulare a terapia biologica
Role of melatonin in the epigenetic regulation of breast cancer.
Signal transduction of the melatonin receptor MT1 is disrupted in breast cancer cells by electromagnetic fields.
Sirtuins, melatonin and circadian rhythms: building a bridge between aging and cancer.
Stage dependent destructuration of neuro-endocrine-immune system components in lung cancer patients.
Studio a campione a doppio cieco sugli effetti mieloprotettivi della melatonina in combinazione con il carboplatin e l’etoposide nel cancro ai polmoni avanzato
Studio della fase II della neuro immunoterapia con bassa dose sottocute di IL-2 più l’ormone dell’epifisi, melatonina, nelle malignità ematologiche avanzate non trattabili.
Synergistic antitumor effect of melatonin with several chemotherapeutic drugs on human Ewing sarcoma cancer cells: potentiation of the extrinsic apoptotic pathway.
Terapia chemioneuroendocrina del cancro metastatico al seno con persistente trobocitopenia con una bassa dose di epirubicin più melatonina: uno studio di fase II.
The effects of melatonin on human hepatoma (Hep G2) cell line.
The expression of MT1 melatonin receptor and Ki-67 antigen in melanoma malignum.
The melatonin action on stromal stem cells within pericryptal area in colon cancer model under constant light.
Transcripts of calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinases are changed after forskolin- or IBMX-induced insulin secretion due to melatonin treatment of rat insulinoma beta-cells (INS-1).
Upregulation of manganese superoxide dismutase (SOD2) is a common pathway for neuroendocrine differentiation in prostate cancer cells.
Urinary 6-Sulphatoxymelatonin levels and risk of breast cancer in premenopausal women: the ORDET cohort.
Urinary 6-sulfatoxymelatonin level in age-related macular degeneration patients.
Urinary melatonin levels and postmenopausal breast cancer risk in the Nurses' Health Study cohort.
Uso della melatonina nel trattamento di disordini del sonno nella sclerosi tuberosa.
[Shift work and breast cancer].